Thursday, June 09, 2005


a tragedy with
hides in her pleats

she speaks there are wonders in a fountain,
hybrids and convoluted geometrics
a click cyclical brick individual makes more holes
water will tear up to heaven in upward irrigation

ad dress the approximate passerby a la refuse kingdom
the unwanted sights your eyes to see
they tied a finger to the trigger.
put a name to the nonsense on the side of a sneaker
which is carbon dated for
how long the metal around your wrists aches

Converse. Now between you and I
The liquor replaces vague underlying
Straighten the lines in palms forever alive
spread out milky blackjacks face forward sky
thumb twiddle either the vultures
assume, with barnacled daggers, the crash position

The birds vs. the wind, the former refrigerator magnets

Eyes floorward. objective: pieces of broken girls
add just difficulty
the you/me come between

scars wish a return to childhood knives
out, folly

a hardness waxes softball in a distant fence
the smell of cut grass rises in a mist
a dog’s bark betrays the location of its owner
under the moon leaves an imprint, hand some humanity

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