Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The moon has not other choice but to be your fan

me digo que cual luna
hacerte hincha, presentáte
frente al premio
hay más gringo afuera
suelta la oreja de la puteria
no te da premio y recordemos, damas
y caballeros que el estero
el chancho no te deja vivir
el chancho no sale
de verde como alcalde de la mayoría
uy uy, que rica vease el verso
y vamos al jobean,
al suave pescar
dele petroliférico espinazo
trague al carajo del grifo

espadas en medio desnudar
de arriba para el aerobus,
se escapa el vapor

todos hacemos el premio de mayor
actuacion antes de ser aeromoza

Thursday, August 16, 2007


se me hace de la
boca diarrea
pon la tapa, apreta
el boton dime
a los bigotes torpes

Monday, August 13, 2007

Cien! Anni Centi! Guapa!

Necessity requires
expo. Click. I want rock
from Chelsea.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Marvel vs. Dc

power is sem— grow polo
youngest of the hijinks
pink, skirted and en fuego
my Latina skid: rid my appendix
who’s apoplexy must
riddim in the way meat flakes
crumple of the strumming block— a renal
binary of inclusion, you me our crews
tell the manager the rhythm method
here, hold it. genial active-X
but pay per
crowded this popcorn mal

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

the week SARS rumors were flying

(from a work in progress -rd.)

hair is so specially freakish
like hashish, minus the fanclub
it GETS places
like one second you’re bashing in
the room where the alarm is located
another part of you is covered
another weird aspect is
totally spatial

I have so many errands and names for before
I catch Sarah’s SARS
buy/sell stocks
drop Petrus Capellicas off at soccer practice
check C-SPAN

The garish face of Bud Bundy
and I want a mountain stream
maybe my living space during the draft
I am satisfactory for a customer, and eyesores
leave the door of the oven open

Monday, August 06, 2007

the beginning of a very dirty song

every boy in your family is coming for you
when conjoined, Voltron assembles coupes, just coupes
this grasping
silence in the cabin I am the type
to break vacation and bring the computer
hidden in the stalled sedan, primate
to kneel carries the bucket private a little far

Saturday, August 04, 2007

I’m going to pass out

because you have grown hairy

and you tickle my nose
returning the soup to normal

This bent licorice, it bedazzles.
Someone refill me. I’m the silverback.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Har dee harmonic (what uncertain title)

as a child I wished presidents as fake kate spade handbags
now hungering for one, any marks left from the Provost
whose only hunger is impaired by apples, squeaky Washington types
they get the best odor out

Monday, July 09, 2007

Tone Def

Bono is a sex-crazed
vampire feeding on infected Africa
Children. He loves

debt, it sells records. Cease and desist
using his Christlike
mealtime ditties as your failed mack
daddy calling card. It's making me want to fly
a plane into your mom.

Barbaro will turn into glue at midnight

Too busy galloping to catch those gray
hairs is getting the boot even shorter.
-Viennese Proverb

he clocked you doing the limit
believe me, he was pushed
it's not honest to put your fingers
in the stove keeps its secrets
name whose very mention invokes Danbury
charters, Francophiles just are
tiresome might be some what imposters?

it’s not easy to write
a place experts dub garbage

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Secret Service

check out
our lot of surveillance
equipment! the car
land only
our priority
your vehicle young
ready to squirt
open the hood daddy.

Concealed Business Suggestions, My Emerald Kimp

I have concealed business suggestions.
Several maturities notices sent to him, wife and sole daughter.
Receive his funds.
Do not deserve next of kin.
I will like you as a foreigner.
I have had everything planned.
We shall come out.
Please endeavor to observe
60% for me 40% for you.

narrador sabelotodo

la chica
que conversa la reserva
tu aula
ascende el volumen (aduana
a sus disfraces
al escondite
o revela la costumbre?)

tu que eres sammy sosa el mas
chunky y yo el cling-
on del barrio no puedes
parar el pelo
sus erantes

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


To revive no belched half
acres if I could push
just the wire out
remove the children
from decals
I get it wrong
as if stick it gears
curvy and electric, sine trailers

Monday, June 11, 2007

too many doggerels

During the height of Lay’s underemployment, Shag ruled in effish humility. No part of the subdivision had been alternative, wrap kept under its whereabouts. Unsure the left would lead to certainly superior eating established but hell. Get to town going diary. Quenchy, meet Quinton, Quinton, meet Suds. Upholstery cleans you head to toe, wall-to-wall. And they work hard at scrubbing. If four hands don’t get it Spic n’ Span, no power on the planet is capable. Honesty, delivers the papist, runs dolly.

Monday, June 04, 2007

una fuga mas de diez anos es auto

Renata, la
pos-doctorada estudia
dada los placeres de ir
a los automercados de compras
un complejo linguistico
dejar un compa muy lejano
sin dejar cicatrices
nuevas, como los del Toledo
ciudad de hamburguesa
se cerro la entrada del Molino
ciento por
ciento algodon.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Vindictive Whorish Custodians

They're actually
selling computer
memory. How
annoying the three pictures
aren't links, while the buttons are links.
Sort of your strip for a search hits!

Here is a doll giving
education value?

From the specs, you use
the sideburner.

Pork is a key
player in
The Southern Barbecue
I retasted this lunchtime

Great to grill from chops
to tenderloin, like Sexual
position, timing and freq.

Thanks to your dipstick of crazy

Tuesday’s busy
so I piled up
tortilla chips
and topping it
jalapeños, olives
chili con queso.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

vacationing at Nevele

your soft drinks
grubbed twenties

the man next to you
becomes a niece
and take over

at least that's what the major outlets have us


i would cam your vegan overhead

so full of bullets now
let's see you subtract backwards
what the fuselage
an inside work permit

Monday, April 23, 2007

Armored Elevator

Shameless self-promotion must happen